
My mother would always make these around Christmas time and they have always left a nostalgic imprint in my mind. Light and airy with the taste of cinnamon and sugar these are easy to make with simple ingredients.

6 cups flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

2 eggs

1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

7 tablespoons manteca vegetal (vegetable lard)

warm water

As per my mother its all about the feel. Combine flour, baking powder, cinnamon and make sure all dry are thoroughly mixed. Mix lard with fingers into the dry ingredients until a paste starts to form. Whisk eggs and incorporate into the dough. Add warm water until consistency can be formed into a ball. roll out balls in desired amount to very thin almost see through shaped tortillas. Fry on both sides for a couple seconds and take off to cool on a cooling rack.

Piloncillo Glaze

1 piloncillo cone

1/2 cup water

1 orange rind

Combine all ingredients on a pan and let simmer until piloncillo is completely dissolved. reduce on low flame or until syrup like consistency. if it coats the back of a spoon it is ready to remove from the heat. Be careful it will be hot. As glaze cools it becomes more firm. pour on top of bunuelos while still warm.




Gansito Parfait